


start with OOPS, the NCTU, then TWOCWC

Well-made Learning Materials and Flexible Ways to Learn

Massachusetts Institute of Technology has promoted OpenCourseWare (OCW) since 1999, sharing their courses with the public for free. In 2002, it organized the OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCWC). Many universities have join the OCWC and made their best courses available to the public. So far, more than 250 non-profit organizations from over 25 countries have joined the OCWC.  

The concept of OpenCourseWare (OCW) is to make knowledge available to more people. It does not mean that every course is made available. In fact, OCW means the school provides some educational resources, and self-learners choose their own ways of learning and the materials they need according to their goals. OCW is not mail instruction or distance education, and sometimes it does not mean providing courses. In brief users of OCW is not joining a package tour, but a self tour which allows them to freely arrange the schedule—they can make a detailed plan or just go out and enjoy themselves.

NCTU joined the OpenCourseWare Consortium (OCWC) in April 2007 to follow prestigious universities worldwide and the global trend of opening educational resources. NCTU is the first university in Taiwan to promote OCW. In June 5, 2007, we launched NCTU OCW to share our educational resources. Courses of NCTU OCW are for free, and by providing them we break the fence between the public and the university. We aim to provide users with as intact materials as possible—for example, syllabi containing course objectives, lists of required readings, course materials, assignments, handouts and videos.  

OCW has included 58 courses, 42 of which are recorded in real classes during the semester. Non-video ones provide course materials that include all important ideas of the course. All courses of OCW are posted on the Internet. More than 60,000 users visit our website (http://ocw.nctu.edu.tw) every month. We also provide discussion boards on basic sciences such as calculus, physics and chemistry. These boards facilitate interaction among self-learners and on-line teaching assistants to nurture a self-learning community.

By letting learners know the content of a course before taking it, OCW enables them to choose the courses which best suit their needs. Learners can freely take relevant courses or courses by different instructors to learn more effectively and selectively. OCW also enables self-learners, on-the-job students and students who have taken the course to review courses. In addition, OCW helps professors who are involved in OCW focus on their research and teaching. Junior professors can develop their courses on the basis of these shared courses. By providing more means for learning, OCW makes knowledge available to students and self-learners, helping them learn by themselves and fulfill the goal of life-long learning. 

Another special feature of NCTU OCW is that we give certifications of basic sciences. Our goal is to encourage self learning. To take certification exams only requires finishing the application procedures; no fee will be charged. Students from other universities and high school students are all welcomed to use OCW and take certification exams, which offer them an opportunity to examine their learning. Certification exams will be held on the first weekend of September every year. Users who pass the high standard of certification exams can get a certificate. The third certification exam of basic sciences was held this September.   

In the future, we will set up a discussion board for high school students. This board will provide suitable courses to them, clarify complex concepts for them, and enable them to take university-level courses. Moreover, we will found a website under You Tube (http://www.youtube.com/nctu). This website aims to help students develop a good attitude toward their study by providing them diverse ways to learn. It also helps students develop the habit and ability to learn through the Internet as well as encourages more people to learn by themselves. By setting up the website, we help more people fulfill the goal of life-long learning. 



  链结世界教育资源开放脉动 拓展全新视野!!

开放式课程(OpenCourseWare, OCW)1999年美国麻省理工学院(MIT)于教育科技会议上提出的知识分享计画,2002联合国教科文组织的国际会议论坛(UNESCO's Forum)中亦提出开放教育资源(Open Educational Resources)概念,主要将高品质的教材与资源组织成数位教材,无偿地开放网路上资源供大众分享与学习,自此开始有许多国家、国际组织或网站致力于分享教育资源。「开放式课程」的主要目的为提供免费且开放之高品质课程形式的数位内容,所提供的素材以开放授权的方式让全世界的使用者使用、改编与再使用。



进行开放式课程之学术机构,为整合开放学术资源,决定共同成立「开放式课程联盟(OpenCourseWare Consortium, OCWC)」。交通大学为响应世界开放教育资源运动,【◎Fix:◎于;◎於】20074月加入,成为台湾第一所加入该组织的顶尖学府,透过持续与联盟成员的互动、分享,拓展国际间校际合作机会。2007年底政治大学、成功大学、长荣大学等学校亦陆续加入该联盟。在台湾各大学持续感受到开放式课程联盟在全球大学产生革命性地冲击后,交通大学【◎Fix:◎于;◎於】2008年初开始集结全台公有志一同的私立大学,希望集合众校之力广泛地开放不同领域之知识,共同为知识分享努力。在得到许多学校的热烈回应后,决定于1224日正式成立「台湾开放式课程联盟(TOCWC)」!成员包括国立中山大学、国立中央大学、国立台湾师范大学、国立台湾大学、国立台湾海洋大学、国立台湾艺术大学、台北医学大学、国立交通大学、台湾科技大学、国立成功大学暨云嘉南区域教学资源中心、国立东华大学、国立政治大学、国立清华大学、辅仁大学、长荣大学、国立阳明大学、东吴大学与国立暨南大学等校。







